Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Less than 48 hours!

Wow, I can't believe it is really almost time to leave! I feel like I have done so much, and yet somehow I still have so much to do! Rebecca and I have three or four things that haven't already been booked, but other than that, we are pretty much ready to go. I keep thinking about things that we don't have nailed down - like driving directions - but so far it's all been manageable. The least manageable thing is going to be my backpack!

Creation finally put up the schedule for ORC (what we'll be doing this weekend) and even though I'm glad it's up, I'm so irritated with them for waiting so freaking long! If we had known there wouldn't be any major guests on Friday, we would not have decided to take a 7 AM flight to get there! Of course, it will still be nice to see our friends that are going to be there (thanks again for the ride, Alex)! That is really going to be one loooooong day. For us and my dad, who is very nicely taking us to the airport (he's picking me up at 4:45!!). I guess he's a pretty good father, but don't tell him I said that. Anyway, one good thing is that so far the flight seems pretty empty, so with any luck we'll be able to lay down and go back to sleep.

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