Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Just a quick update!

Rebecca and I are waiting for our international flights here in the Auckland airport, and I just wanted to take a second to say hello, and yes we're still here. :) I'm hoping it will be a little easier to update from Australia, but we'll see. I promise to catch up on the last few days as soon as I can! Hope everyone is doing well. Our flights leave in about three hours - Rebecca's to LA and mine to Sydney. It's going to be weird to be traveling alone - I know I'll miss having Rebecca here. She won't see this until she gets back, so I just want to say - it's been really great. I'm glad we could do this together!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey christy! youre missing a lot! i am currently planning jas' and my engagement party: we are going to have it at pappadeaux on a wednesday or thursday in late april or early may... just waiting on you to come home! i havent had a whole lot of time to spend with jessie and pablo, but this picture should prove that they are getting to stretch their legs! http://www.badongo.com/pic/534841
jessie has turned the hole in the carpet into an abyss... she says sorry. pablo got out of his cage and came saw me in the kitchen. it scared the shit out of me at first because i thought i may have let friend in, but once i realized that it was a rabbit, not a cat, i was ok. he was only out for a minute, but i can tell his small taste of freedom has made his cage feel smaller. you also missed me getting into a fight with papa johns again. Then you missed jason spraining his ankle. it was really bad... i had to take him to the urgent care place. we thought it was broken, but it wasn't. he did get 2 days off work and some vicadin. heres a couple of pictures that will make you feel bad for him (and me).
anyhow, hope youre having fun and sorry i missed your call tonight: i had to work til 12.